The project

X3 CMS was created to satisfy an unmet need, now it became a powerful working tool.
We were looking for a CMS (Contents Management System) with the following features:

  • database abstraction
  • accessible
  • xHTML1.1/HTML5 compliant
  • CSS 2/3 compliant
  • easy to use
  • extensible
  • not too expensive

There were maybe more than thousand CMS, some very powerful, but, at the time (2004), no one was perfect for us.

So we written X3, because who does it by himself, does for three (italian way of saying).


  • Webserver Apache 2.4 with mod_php, mod_rewrite, mod_headers and .htaccess files enabled
  • database MySQL 8 or higher
  • PHP 7.4 or higher with session, date, PDO, pdo_mysql, gd, mbstring and apcu (optional)

About X3 CMS

This is a CBLU.NET project.

After some years of working around the web we have re-written this piece of code that allows to manage simple and complex projects: from personal website to blog, from e-commerce to corporate website up to complex web applications.

With X3 CMS You can:

  • build accessible websites
  • indipendently manage your web
  • fit your web to your needs
  • extend website functionalities
  • connect existing database

This CMS joins simplicity and flexibility: you can manage a site built up with X3 CMS through your browser, you don't need to be an hacker. 

Make a donation

If you want to help and don't know how, please donate.